Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints
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An illustrated children’s storybook about people of diverse faiths who rocked the religious boat on behalf of love and justice.

The hardcover book, ebook, and two curriculums are now available.

Our Kickstarter campaign for Volume 2 almost funded (81%), but not quite.
Join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on any relaunch plans. Thank you to everyone who backed the campaign.

Meet some of the holy troublemakers featured in the book.


Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints is an illustrated children's book about people of diverse faiths working for more love and justice in their corners of the world, even when that means rocking the religious boat. With original portraits from more than two dozen artists and engaging profiles of people from different faiths and different eras, these are stories that inspire, educate, challenge, and encourage.

Some of the people featured in this book are well known, like the beloved St. Francis of Assisi (a favorite of Hufflepuffs everywhere for his love of animals), who gave up a wealthy inheritance to serve the poor, Rumi, the Sufi poet, and Thich Nhat Hanh, the beloved teacher who developed the concept of engaged Buddhism. Some are well known, but the deep faith motivating their work is lesser known, such as Harriet Tubman, Florence Nightingale, and Mr. Rogers.

Others are less known such as Bayard Rustin, an American Quaker whose role in the civil rights movement of the 1960s is often downplayed because he was a gay man; Maryam Molkara, an Iranian Muslim transgender rights advocate; and Regina Jonas, the first female rabbi to be ordained whose story was almost lost to history.

In particular, Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints emphasizes the stories of women, LGBTQ, Black, Indigenous, and other people of color who are too often written out of religious narratives. These stories move us towards more love and a faith that works for the common good of us all. The book is written for middle-grade age children (and their adults) ages 8 and up. You can read several sample profiles here.

A sample layout from Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints (each profile is a few pages long).

A sample layout from Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints (each profile is a few pages long).


We also have available a Companion Curriculum for personal/family use as well as for churches and other organizations.

This book is written by Daneen Akers, a writer, producer, teacher, and mother who believes deeply in the power of stories. Her past projects have explored faith, identity, and belonging. She is the mother of two children who are the true inspiration for this book.

Daneen found that most of the books she’d read as a child that had anything to do with faith were not compatible with the type of faith she now has as an adult and parent. She knew she needed better stories for her own children, stories that help us transcend fears, connect with each other, engage in justice, and model an expansive and fully inclusive view of the Divine.

She'd removed a lot of faith-based materials from her home that no longer fit, but she realized there weren't a lot of options for replacing those resources.

As a storyteller, the clearest place for her to start adding back to their bookshelves was to tell stories about people of faith who have been motivated by a vision of a loving, just, and compassionate Divine, people whose faith works for the common good of us all.

Some of Daneen’s previous projects include the Seventh-Gay Adventists documentary and Outspoken short documentary film series.

About the Publisher

Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints is being published by Watchfire Media, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity. Watchfire Media produces educational books and films that provide needed resources and fosters community for the spiritually unconventional. They are a resource for progressive, “cautiously Christian”, seeker parents and others who have children in their lives who want to raise kids who are comfortable with the big questions, awed by the beauty of the world and her people, and ultimately committed to love, kindness, courage, and justice.

Free Copies

As part of our non-profit mission, we are happy to be able to offer a free copy of Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints to anyone who would like this book as a resource but for whom funds are a challenge currently. Just use the Contact page to send us a mailing address (or an email to send a free digital version to for non-U.S. mailing addresses). Thanks to our donors who make this program possible.